Everyman Edict features free spiritual
books -
download or read online - dedicated to the spiritual seeker aspiring for spiritual growth.
Luisa's online spiritual books are available totally free and offer the spiritual reader insights for growing spiritually and living your best life now.
Everyman Edict also offers FREE articles on personal and spiritual growth to move you forward toward achieving greater spiritual freedom.
Spiritual Book - Ensouled!
Ensouled! relates a
life experience to a high truth - we have
to grow in self-love.
In the author's own words -
Lisa's greatest longing is to love and be loved. She is a desperate seeker. Lisa loves easily and loses herself completely in a relationship. The experience frustrates her very much and she feels
and confused.
Lisa is a love addict. Her experience teaches her that she has to grow in self-love and learn to value who she is.
Lisa's story is very candid and compelling! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
Reader Reviews for Ensouled!
"A good story about an ultimate truth we all need to practice."
Alfred - Open eBooks Directory
"Ensouled - read it, liked it, although sometimes too close for comfort. A simple but truthful message!"
Rosa Palma
"I saw your link on accessnewage.com and since many of our students would benefit from viewing your healing page and wonderful e-book which I just spent an hour absorbing (wonderful by the way!!), I was wondering if you would link with us."
Kristen Lauter, Holistic Healers Academy
Click here to download the e-book (2.3mb) or Read Online
FREE Spiritual Book -
Feel-good Treats
A little while ago, it came to my mind to study communication from the living dead. To my surprise, the more I read, the greater the import their words had in my life.
I am thankful for these spiritual treasures as they have served to soothe, inspire and instruct.
Remember that hope springs eternal in the human breast, writes "X" and, to be sure, the Living Dead Man series, written down by Elsa Barker (amanuensis),
offers the reader much hope and inspiration to live life more in fulfilment of that great Law - Love.
Feel-good Treats is a fusion of these, my own and others' writings for my advice is as disinterested as the rain and my truth is offered as freely as the light.
I hasten to divulge these spiritual riches for it seems to me that their counsels for life are truly very wise.
It is my sincere wish that this little book is of benefit to you. May you be all a-thrill with the pleasure of reading these magical feel-good treats.
Click here to download the e-book (5.0mb) or Read Online
FREE Spiritual Book -
Inner Space the Final Frontier
My journey is personal for my being is unique. Unique is exactly what it means - the only one of its kind. Uniqueness is a quality we all share. Inner Space
the Final Frontier is my contribution to a
"great awakening" and it is my sincere wish that it may be of benefit to you.
I hope you find these free spiritual books and
web pages useful.
Click here to download the e-book (4.0mb) or Read Online
Thanks, Magic People!
 P.S. Please enjoy Everyman Edict's sample book excerpts and FREE
personal growth and self-help
Sample Book Excerpts
Feel-good Treats
Stress and Storm
As another exercise, when your mind circles round and round something, switch it off as you would switch off an electric light. Turn and think of something else. You can do it.
Both often come from outside, are suggested to the receptive, passive mind. Now the Master entertains only those suggestions that can strengthen his purpose.
Call on the god within to send evil back to its source.

There is always the promise of spring.

Discourage undesirable things by ignoring them than by attacking them.

Do not get into a panic. A panic is worse than a quicksand to get into. Keep calm.
Do not lose faith in the future of the world. Have you not studied the Law of Rhythm? Do you not know that the height is equal to the depth and that when things are at their worst, they are getting ready to improve?
God never forsakes an erring soul, not even in his darkest hour.
If all these ills befall me, it will be an exercise of power to conquer them.
If panics come - and they may - refuse to be panic-stricken.
If violence comes - and it may - refuse to be violent.
If discouragements come - and they will - refuse to be discouraged.
If you have a friend that makes you courageous by his very presence, cultivate his society. If you have a friend who makes you melancholy, either teach him better or get rid of him; send him to a doctor.
If you recognise the fact that you have sinned, set up good actions more powerful than your sins and reap the reward for those.
If you want an added protection, my children, guard your own evil passions and resentful thoughts, your jealous emotions and unkind criticism of others. The devils ride on waves of anger and resentment.
If you want to use signs and symbols, meditate on the cross of Christ. The cross of Christ is profound enough for a lifetime's meditation.
I was happy yesterday and I am still I.
It is only in contact with mind, with desire and with matter that the Spirit struggles and suffers. In its own home all is peaceful and pleasant. Reach up to that home when the storms are too loud and you will find a place of silence.
In the storms to come, think of the freshness after the storm, when the ground shall smell sweet and birds shall sing.
I will give you a formula for use in time of stress and storm - Reach up to the indwelling Spirit and repeat, For her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace.
A Master once told me that the control and exorcism of melancholy was a greater test of power than the control of desire.
The Masters enjoy difficulties. They are the acid that tests the gold of their mastership.
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep is more potent than a magician's spells.
One can only realise one's errors and go forward into greater understanding.
Sister Frances
There is peace after strife and love after hate and sunshine after the storm.
Time spent on the knee in prayer will do more to remedy heart attacks and nerve worry than anything else.
George David Stewart
To those whose nerves are weary, wise doctors prescribe a change.
You need not be melancholy unless you want to be. There are texts, mantras, adages, even copybook maxims you can recall and meditate upon, that will drive away the worst fit of the blues.
The joy of the struggle! That is the keynote of immortality, the keynote of power. Let this be my final message to the world. Tell them to enjoy their struggles, to thrill at the endless possibilities of combination and creation, to live in the moment while preparing for long hence and not to exaggerate the importance of momentary failures and disappointments.
When they come out here and get their lives in perspective, they will see that most of their causes of anxiety were trivial and that all the lights and shadows were necessary to the picture.
I had my lights and shadows, too, but I regret nothing. The Master enjoys difficulties as a swimmer enjoys the resistance of the water:
If I could make you realise the power that comes from facing the struggle - not only bravely, as all the platitudinous bores will tell you, but facing it with enjoyment. Why, any healthy boy enjoys a fight. His blood beats fast, his nerves tingle but he who keeps his head cool is likely to come out on top.
Life is a fight. You are in matter to conquer it lest it conquer you.
There is nothing in this universe stronger than the will of man when it is directed by a powerful force of unit. Whatever your strength, make the most of it in the battle of life.
Remember that your opponents are not other men but conditions. If you fight men, they will fight you back but if you fight conditions, they, being unintelligent, will yield to you with just enough resistance to keep your muscles in good order.
And do not forget the law of rhythm - that is at the back of everything. Count on rhythm; it never has failed yet and it never will. Watch for the high tides of yourself and flow up with them; when the inevitable low tides come, either rest or meditate. You cannot escape rhythm. You transcend it by working with it.
You can even turn and grow young, for time also has its tides and there are many ripples in the long sea-swell of life.
I feel that I am leaving much unsaid. But I shall meet you again someday.
Inner Space the Final Frontier
Lessons, more lessons. and yet more lessons
My lesson is a lesson of love. I have made it a hard lesson. My lesson is to realise my higher Self - to attune my real Self to the essence of Divine Love within. I must learn to value who I am. I am worthy. I am complete. I am whole. God is Love and I am one with Love. As I grow in spiritual awareness I evolve - my highest thought is Love.
This is not my natural home. I exist in human form but I carry the essence of the Divine within. I choose this human experience to learn. I am here to learn. If I don't learn my lessons, I must relearn my lessons until they are learned.
If I'm not learning, it's my fault. I'm equipped with all the tools I need to learn my lessons. If I choose not to listen and learn, the lessons will be repeated time and time and time again. If history repeats itself, I'm not learning and, if need be, the lessons will be hard.
It doesn't have to be difficult. Simply, let's make up our mind.
Redefining Our Selves
We honour our spiritual self - I am a spiritual being living a human experience.
We remember our true nature - we remember our natural home. The spiritual realm is our true home.
We acknowledge the essence of the Divine within - we are all God's children.
We have faith that our lives have purpose - we choose our own experiences.
We allow abundance in our lives - we are thankful for the blessings we receive.
We have everything we need.
We learn to quiet our mind - the path towards our higher self is directed inwardly.
We are consistent in our thinking - we think and feel the same.
Focus is important - our path is progressive.
We face our fears courageously - we need never fear. We are loved unconditionally.
We are lovers of truth - there is freedom within.
There is neither right nor wrong - all experience is relative.
Divine Love is unconditional - this is an absolute truth.
We release ourselves and others from their limitations - we forgive and move forward. We have to grow. If need be, we give in and surrender. We let go and let God. We let Love be.
We awaken to new possibilities - we open our eyes and learn the truth.
We redefine our unifying consciousness - all is fair and equal.
We grow in wisdom and self-love - we embrace our higher
We are never alone - we are never separated from Source.
We mind our thinking - we think how it feels.
Patience, practice and discipline work wonders. We don't lose sight of the glimmer light. We don't lose focus. The light shines brightly as we reach the end of our
Spiritual Books